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St. Stephens Church Lecturn & Flowers

St. Stephen's Hightown Wedding Questions Answered

What about photographs?

Yes you can have a photographer. He/she can take photographs you want as long as there is no flash and no disruption to the service. No one else at all may take photographs in the service.

We are wondering about a video?

Yes you can have a video if you want to. One appointed person may video. He/she must remain still during the service. Video royalties must be paid and no one else at all may video in the service.

Can we have confetti?

Yes you can have confetti. Please make sure that it is bio degradable and non food stuff i.e. not rice, and keep it well clear of the church doors.

Our families want to be involved in the service. Is that possible?

Yes your family can be involved in readings and yes, you do have lots of choices so that your service is very much your own. You will be able to discuss these things with the Priest conducting your wedding on your personal appointments.

I'd like special flowers.

We would be very happy for you to put whatever flowers you like in church and this is best on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. It is a kindness to St. Stephens to leave one arrangement by the altar for Sunday worship but of course all others may be removed and taken to your reception.

We want our own musicians?

Please let us know what you have in mind and we will do our best to accommodate you.

The Royal British Legion - Remembrance Day

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