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Vicar's Letter

Revd. Keith Thornborough

Dear Friends,

The holiday season is upon us, and I have heard so many people say that it’s a shame the weather doesn’t seem to know this!!

As I write, at the start of July, it has been unseasonably cool, and I know several folks have resorted to using a ‘little extra heat’, and even turning the heating on for an hour or more!

Let’s hope we do get some further sunny days to enjoy being outside in God’s creation.

Our holidays have their origin in Holy Days, a day of dedication to religious festivals, and saints.

Apparently, the Romans were the first civilisation to indulge in holidays. But rather than the week or two, or if we are very fortunate, three, that we have, wealthy Romans would go away for up to two years!

The holiday is a break away from usual routine and lots of our groups will take a break over the summer.

Our Parent and Toddler Group, that meets on a Friday morning, after the summer break, will be having a refresh: a new name, a slightly new time, and new activities for our toddlers. Watch out for more exciting information in the September issue of Focus!

Churches Together in Altcar, Formby and Hightown are having a “Holiday at Home” again, this August, and St Stephen’s is hosting a Beetle Drive and Afternoon Cream Tea on Wednesday 14th.

Rest is important. God finished his work of creation on the seventh day, and then he rested from all his work. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy. This is our Sunday, a day when we meet together in the House of the Lord to worship, give thanks, receive in Word and Sacrament and rest in His presence.

Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”.

+Matthew 11:28

If you have not been to church for a while, or never been, do come. You will be made most welcome.

Whatever you are doing, wherever you are over the summer holidays, I hope you find some time for rest and refreshment.

God Bless

The Royal British Legion - Remembrance Day

St. Stephen's Church Hightown - Parish Giving Scheme

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